Pensole Footwear Design Academy is the only footwear design school out there, and with a variety of opportunities to align with brands on specific projects, students are getting more than they ever imagined.
In-House Design: Careers & Advice
Tempted by a Counteroffer? Consider These 7 Points First
While there may be some pluses to accepting a current employer’s counter offer, you should take time to reflect on these seven potential pitfalls to determine whether it's a wise move for your creative career.
Hot Creative Jobs for the First Half of 2018
If you’re thinking about expanding your skill set or pursuing a new position, now may be a good time to get moving, according to the results of The Creative Group's latest hiring survey. Get all the details here.
To Lead, or Not to Lead
Are you an introvert or extrovert? Do you work best alone or in a group? Your personality traits and personality type might say something about your creative personality, and how you approach your design work. It might also say something about the kind of leader you are—or the kind of leader you could be.
Break into Sports Design: Tips from 3 Major Sports Leagues
Getting your dream graphic design career in the sports industry won’t come easy, but fortunately for you three of the top creatives in sports have offered up personal advice on getting prepared and getting noticed.
Why Your Portfolio’s Not Getting You The Job You Want
Still don't have the job you really want? The problem may be your portfolio. Tobias van Schneider, co-founder of Semplice, shares what could be wrong—and how to make it better.
Bust the Myths About Working With a Recruiter
Recruiters—like creatives—can be misunderstood sometimes. Let’s look at 6 common myths about staffing agencies & bring a little clarity to the matter.
Why You Should Adopt a Business-Minded Approach to Design
Adobe's VP of design discusses a recent challenge they faced and makes a case for why designers should adopt a business-minded approach.
9 Reasons Why You Need an In-House Design Award
If you're an in house designer, you should definitely read these very serious reasons why you should enter the HOW In-House Design Awards by 5/5/2017.
Age + Design: Staying Relevant in This Crazy, Digital World
In-house designer Darcy Hinrichs' 7 best tips for staying relevant at any age in the graphic design industry.